By now, its no secret that getting results requires eating a certain way. You just simply cannot out train a bad diet, especially as you age and your metabolism changes. In my experiences as a personal trainer, I have learned that a large percentage of people just don’t know what to eat to get results. Sure, you probably already know that you need to keep your protein intake high and maintain a caloric deficit to lose weight, but you may not know necessarily fully understand which foods are high in fats, proteins, and carbs to get you the type of results that you crave... and the internet will 100% lie to you every time to push an agenda. For instance, advocates of plant based diets will tell you that nuts and legumes are a good source of protein, when they are primarily fats and carbs, respectively. And for that reason, I have created this document to clear the air, and provide insight into what to eat to build the body of your dreams. If you want specific information about how to determine your macros, then refer to my NUTRITION EDUCATION FOR BEGINNERS and MACROS AND MYFITNESSPAL documents! Enjoy!
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